Born in the City of Buenos Aires on May 19th, 1966.
Graduated as attorney-at-law from the School of Law and Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, 1989.
Member of the Public Bar Association of the Federal Capital. Member of the Bar Association of San Isidro, Province of Buenos Aires.
President (2016-2018) and current member of the Pro Bono Commission of the Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires.
Practiced law at the law firm Estudio Basílico, Fernández Madero & Duggan. Joined Estudio Fornieles & del Carril in 1990, became a partner in the year 2000 until its dissolution (March 2005). Founding member of del Carril, Colombres, Vayo & Zavalía Lagos Law Firm.
Assistant Professor of Labor Law and Social Security at the Law School of the Argentine Catholic University.
Professor of the course for Master in Administration of Building and Real Estate Companies at the Argentine Catholic University.
Worked as Assistant Professor of Labor Law at the School of Economic and Social Sciences of the Argentine Catholic University.
Professor of the Training Program for Lawyers and Member of the Academic Committee of FORES (Forum of Studies about the Administration of Justice)