Born in the city of Buenos Aires on April 19th, 1947.
Graduated as attorney-at-law from the School of Law and Political Science of the Argentine Catholic University in the City of Buenos Aires in 1970. Member of the Public Bar Association of the Federal Capital.
President of the Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires (2006-2010) and previously Director and a Member of the Advisory Committee to the Board of Directors. He is currently President of the Justice Commission of the Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires.
Founding member of FORES (Foro de Estudios sobre Administración de Justicia). Member of its Executive Committee (1976 – 2004) and its President (1995 – 2001).
Practiced law at the Law firm “Estudio Beccar Varela” and was a founding member of the Law firm “Estudio Fornieles & del Carril” where he worked until its dissolution. Founding member of del Carril, Colombres, Vayo & Zavalía Lagos Law Firm.
Adviser to the Association of Portland Concrete Manufacturers and Member of the Committee of Labor Policies and Industrial Safety of the Argentine Industrial Association. Acted as arbitrator in ad – hoc courts in matters related to construction works disputes.
Member of the Public Bar Association of the Federal Capital.
Judge of the Mediation and Arbitration Court of the Stock Exchange of Mar del Plata, Province of Buenos Aires. Acted as arbitrator in national and international arbitration proceedings. Member of the arbitrators list of the Centro Empresarial de Mediación y Arbitraje (CEMA) and of the Arbitration Court of the Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires. Member of the Academic Committee of the “Programa Anual de Profundización en Derecho y Magistratura Judicial” (Annual Program on Insights into Law and Judgeship), at the Austral University Law School. Co-director of the research work "Justicia y Desarrollo Económico" (Justice and Social Development) conducted by FORES for the Argentine Business Council to the Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires.
Assistant Professor of Civil Law II (Obligations) at the Law School of the Argentine Catholic University and as Associate Professor at the University of Buenos Aires teaching the same subject. Also participated in the Master Program in Economics and Political Science of ESEADE (Higher School of Economics and Business Administration). Lecturer in charge of the Seminar “Cultura Jurídica y Sistema Judicial” (Juridical Culture and the Judicial System) organized by Austral University and has chaired the postgraduate course of Construction agreements at the Engineering School of the Argentine Catholic University.
Currently Professor at the Post Graduate Training Division of FORES and Professor of Professional Ethic at the Austral University Law School.
A great number of his articles have been published in specialized magazines as well as in newspapers of a more general circulation.
Co-author of the book “La Justicia - Un Plan Integral de Reforma al Sistema Judicial Argentino”, BankBoston Foundation, 1993.
Author of the book “La Ética del Abogado”, Abeledo Perrot, 1994, (awarded an honorable mention in Dr. Rodolfo Moltedo’s Prize, organized by the Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires, 1994).